Month: February 2015

LAUSD Aborts ‘Computer Per Student’ Program with Apple

Education technology and access to social media provide a gateway into information that’s fast and wide-reaching. Many (though not all) of today’s students already have access to social media tools outside of the classroom, so providing equal distribution of those tools within the school environment for low-income communities has its benefits. So where does this leave our students?

Celebrating Diversity in Animated Film – Big Hero 6

This is the first time (another origin of sorts) that Disney Animation has presented a “biracial” central character within any of its feature length animated films. While to some this shouldn’t seem like a big deal at all, to others – like my daughter, it is – because the power of film is that it represents a generation. If done well, a film will not only captivate audiences but it will effectively represent those audiences, providing them with an opportunity to see a bit of themselves up on the big screen too…

The #OpenTruth: How Big Soda Targets Minority Youth

My role as gatekeeper to the “sugar express” isn’t made any easier by the ploys and strategic marketing campaigns by the sugary beverage industry pushing sugar-loaded beverages through educational incentives for parents and teens. As if the showdown for sweets at the check-out aisle with my teenager isn’t enough, Big Soda is also spinning the consumption of their products through scholarships and tuition toward higher education…