Tag: Ta-Nehisi Coates

Great Expectations: Ta-Nehisi Coates Joins Forces With Marvel for ‘Black Panther’ Comic

His joining forces with the Marvel Empire at time in our history when the #BlackLivesMatter Movement makes national headlines protesting police brutality against African-Americans isn’t coincidence. It should be interesting to see the ways in which he will lend his voice to the comic genre. And of course, I’m most curious on how well it’s received by the public once published…

A Look Into Race As A Social Construct

For twins, Lucy and Maria Aylmer from Gloucester, England who have been made to produce their birth certificates to prove they are related, they aren’t alone. In the US, the self-identified “multiracial” community is at 9 million and climbing. So why is it so difficult for so many to believe that the two girls are related even after being told of their biological ties? Well, our notion of “race” and the historical “one-drop-rule” may be a good place to start…