The Miseducated Dieter: Black Lives & The Built Environment with Gangsta Gardener Ron Finley (Coming October 2017)

While it’s easy to say: make your own food, eat more vegetables and fruits, and get outside and walk more – not all community environments were created equitably to accomplish these goals. What happens when your neighborhood community is saturated with junk-food infested liquor stores and healthy options aren’t regularly accessible?

When Eating is the Tip of the Iceberg…

“You need to hide me because I’m running away from home,” Julie whispered as she reached the front steps of my porch. Her golden curls disheveled, she’d arrived pulling a red Radio Flyer wagon containing packaged cookies, several donuts and a bag of candy stolen from her mother’s kitchen just over a block away. Julie was my best friend throughout elementary school, but given we were only in the 4th grade at the time, I knew my mom wouldn’t go for it. I was more puzzled that Julie’s wagon didn’t contain anything else – no toys, pajamas, her backpack, or even a toothbrush. Only food…

A Letter on Faith for Supergirl. Love, Mom

What travels we’ve had. So very awesome we are. Looking back on that day, it all only took a matter of seconds. And yet I’ve been writing about this particular moment in time for years. My mother wrote to me a letter on faith. It was “to be opened” when I was 14. Cameron, my ‘Punzie’, this is from my letter on faith to you…